How Much Money Does a Cosmetologist Make?

Cosmetologists study and work hard to become accredited professionals in their chosen field. It’s an exciting field where there is room to customize a career to fit the kind of a lifestyle that a cosmetologist wants for herself. Although many cosmetologists have the same exact tasks, how much they’re paid may depend on luck, experience,…

How to Become a Hairstylist

Hairstylists beautify the world one person at a time. By taking great care of each client’s hair, a hairstylist builds a career that is full of fun and excitement. It takes commitment, fortitude, hard work, and creativity to make it as a hairstylist, yet it is an attainable goal for those who are dedicated to…

JC Penney Gives Its Salons a Makeover

Bad hair days can be a thing of the past for patrons of JC Penney’s beauty salons. The department store has long been known for having salons to allow customers to enjoy being pampered with beauty treatments while enjoying a day of shopping. Now JC Penney has announced that it is going to be giving…

How to Get a Texas Cosmetology License

Cosmetologists are respected professionals who work in the field of beauty. They beautify skin, hair, makeup, and nails. Some choose to specialize, while others become a “Jane” of all trades, seeking to learn a bit about everything. In order to establish themselves in their field, cosmetologists study, hone their craft, and become licensed professionals who…