News and information about massage therapy

Cosmetology License Spotlight: Massage Therapist

As a cosmetologist, you have many more career opportunities than you would expect. In many states, your cosmetology license also covers you for other associated careers, such as massage therapist. Massage is a complementary industry to cosmetology, often being offered in salons and spas along with hairstyling, manicures, pedicures, and more. This makes it a…

5 Stress-Lowering Massage Therapies to Master

Although massage has many uses, including healing and preventing injuries, most people head to a spa to enjoy a nice, relaxing massage because of stress. Stress is associated with increasing the risk of many of the top preventable diseases plaguing the nation, including cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, hypertension, diabetes, and some cancers, according to the…

10 Popular Massage Modalities

As a massage therapist, one way to expand your clientele is to offer a variety of massage techniques. The American Massage Therapy Association lists definitions for over 65 different massage and bodywork modalities, demonstrating the significant number of options you can offer your current and potential clients. You do not have to become an expert…